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CDC Investigates H1N1pdm09 Louisiana H274Y Cluster
Recombinomics Commentary 19:30
November 25, 2013

The CDC has recently released H1N1pdm09 sequences which included two isolates (A/Louisiana/07/2013 and A/Louisiana/08/2013) from Louisiana that had H274Y, which are likely the first two reported cases (25F and 56F, respectively)  in the 2013/2014, as reported in week 44.  A third case was reported in week 45, and the Louisiana Department of Health (DoH) has confirmed to Recombinomics that the CDC has requested additional samples, which led to the identification of a third Louisiana case with H274Y.

Louisiana DoH has indicated that the three cases were not linked and were identified through routine surveillance.  These cases were not unusually severe.

The CDC has not released the sequences from the case reported in week 45 or the fourth case (reported in week 46).  Release of sequences from the recently reported cases would be useful.

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