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Adolescent MERS-CoV Cases Raise Transparency Concerns
Recombinomics Commentary 12:30
May 14, 2013

General Directorate of Health Affairs governorate of Al-Ahsa are carried out to investigate the epidemiological for students of primary school 25, who died recently of her students girl sacrificed Abraham, to see whether the virus Corona there or not.

Sources familiar with "Today" that the processes of inquiry epidemiological came Following inform a teachers school in the emergence of symptoms at 5 students at the school to infection with influenza, which are symptoms that appear in all people infected with Corona, and continues to hardware health Find students to sign a disclosure they did not disclose the sources for age students or the school year studying it.
"Today" has published the story of the girl sacrificed "9 years" hijacked by dying suddenly after The Imminent high temperature, while it did not expect her father, Hussein Abdullah Albrahim that communication school him on his mobile phone would signal a prelude

The above translation describes five symptomatic students who are being tested for MERS-CoV after a classmate (9F) died (see map).  Recent media reports cite the confirmation of MERS-CoV in a patient that matches the age and gender of the above case.  The non-disclosure statement raises transparency concerns.  The death of the above case was reported on May 5, and the story citing a confirmed 9F case was based on a May 12 news conference.

Prior media reports cited deaths of 10 and 11 year old residents of Al Hofuf with SARS-like symptoms and subsequent reports cited the death of an 18 year old.  Additional reports cited the transport of an 11 month old infant to Riyadh for heart surgery and the discovery of MERS-CoV.  That child was also from the eastern region of Saudi Arabia (Abquaq –see map). 

Similarly, the other recent confirmed MERS-CoV death was for a 21 year old raising concerns that severe and fatal MERS-CoV are becoming increasing common in students, which includes transmission via causal contact. Twitter reports suggest the school clusters may extend beyond the school cited above.

Community transmission has been denied by WHO.  However, their recent comments after visiting eastern Saudi Arabia failed to cite the two fatal cases (9F and 21M) disclosed at the Sunday news conference, raising additional transparency concerns.

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